export into other programs
All the information that is entered via the input menu can be
exported in a CSV format file which can be opened in a spreadsheet
program. The data for each bed are presented as a row, with
columns for each of the parameters entered for that bed (grain
size, lithology, symbols and so on). Analysis of the data can then
be carried out to determine patterns and trends in be bed
thickness, grain size, facies, bioturbation intensity, etc.
Palaeocurrent data are stored as comma-delimited strings that can
be exported into rose diagram plotting programs. When data are
stored as descriptive text macros can be used to convert the
information into numerical values for the analysis of the
proportions of lithologies, occurrence of sedimentary structures,
fossils and so on. Geochemical or other analytical data may be
incorporated with lithological information from the log. Data
exported from SedLog can be imported into any program that uses
ASCII format.
The graphic sediment logs generated by SedLog can be exported as
PDF, SVG, or JPEG for use by other drawing applications or for
To export a log as CSV, PDF, SVG or JPEG select Export from the File menu.
See Also
Creating a log by importing a CSV file